Found 8 posts in Branding.

In advertising, branding is the process of considering the marketable identity of a product or corporation, and creating design materials (as well as sales strategies) to support that identity in marketing campaigns and corporate communications.

Advanced Old School Revival

OSR+ is host to a complex character creator that allows users to create heroes for use in the roleplaying game, as well as home to the game's core rules and a novel-length game master's guide, which I wrote.


We produced custom iconography and marketing copy on top of an easy-to-maintain WordPress installation to empower 40GRID's marketing team.

Pentecostal Tabernacle

Pentecostal Tabernacle contacted me to undertake a redesign of the organization's website, which included a full rebranding of their web presence, print materials, and outdoor signage.

Terri Witek

In this design, each section of the site features full-bleed photography from her collaborations, and we focused on building a robust collaborations gallery that pulls in assets from Flickr.

Your Website in Five Steps

Yep, it’s really that simple. There’s a reason why the waterfall approach is a mainstay of web design: it works. After 15+ years of building WordPress websites, I have my process down to a science.




User Experience


Visual Design





My Process