Found 30 posts in Creative.



their new startup. 40GRID was working on next-generation pest control software that blew away the features of its competitors, so the website had to reflect the sophistcation and contemporary design that potential customers would experience had they adopted the platform.

Jyoti Justin

Jyoti Justin's new WordPress website leverages automation to outsmart her competition in the real estate sphere.

Swedenborgian Church

The WordPress theme I built allows site administrators to create highly modular pages by selecting from a bank of configurable blocks that require no technical expertise to manage.

Take Care

Take Care Home Health, a private duty home healthcare network headquartered in Sarasota, FL was one of my very first clients, way back in 2010.

Pentecostal Tabernacle

Pentecostal Tabernacle contacted me to undertake a redesign of the organization's website, which included a full rebranding of their web presence, print materials, and outdoor signage.

Your Website in Five Steps

Yep, it’s really that simple. There’s a reason why the waterfall approach is a mainstay of web design: it works. After a decade of WordPress websites, I have my process down to a science.




User Experience


Visual Design





My Process